Title 2 and Title 16 Benefits- What's the Difference?
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has two federal level benefit programs:
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), also known as Title 16 (Title XVI) benefits. These benefits are designed to help low income individuals and have no work history requirements. These benefits, sometimes called “welfare benefits” have specific income and asset limitations.
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), also known as Title 2 (Title II) or DIB (Disability Insurance Benefits). These benefits have a work history requirement where the person seeking to obtain the benefit must meet certain specific work history requirements, in addition to other medical requirements in order to obtain the benefits. SSDI or DIB benefits are based on the disabled person’s earnings record where they must have accumulated enough “quarters” in order to qualify.
If you live in New Mexico and are thinking about applying for benefits under either program, Title 16 or Title 2, or are confused or have questions about the process, give Ardor Disability Law a call and I will happily discuss your options with you.